When you’re always on the open road, no matter what season it may be, your RV needs to have a solid maintenance schedule in place to ensure you don’t break down. Although an RV is a much larger vehicle that can withstand more driving than a standard car, don’t take the importance of keeping everything in tip-top shape for granted. 
Can Poor Maintenance Affect My RV Insurance?
Absolutely! When you don’t maintain your vehicle, it has a greater chance of breaking down more frequently. This can cause you to use your roadside assistance and other extra provisions that may be included in your policy more than usual. The increased risk may result in higher premiums that could have been saved if you had properly maintained your RV.
What Types of Maintenance Should I Perform on My RV?
- Check the oil and filter: This keeps your engine running properly. Unlike cars, it takes larger quantities to operate an RV, especially if it’s on the road all the time.
- Seals and belts: Making sure the seals and belts on your RV are inspected and replaced as needed helps keep your RV from breaking down.
- Brakes: One thing you don’t want to occur when on the road in an RV is not having your brakes in proper working condition. Getting those checked and replaced as needed is one of the most important maintenance steps you can take in being safe.
- Tire pressure: With so much weight on and in the vehicle, maintaining a level tire pressure is a must. Not only does it cut back on gas usage, but it helps maintain a smooth, safe ride.
- Batteries: You should always check your battery before going on a long road trip. Having an extra battery stored just in case can really come in handy, especially if you will be far away from places where you can get assistance. When you aren’t using your RV for a long period of time, make sure to remove the battery to avoid corrosion or freezing.
These are just a few things you should do to maintain your RV. Having a good RV insurance policy that meets your budget is also a top priority in keeping your investment safe. Your independent insurance agent can assist in getting a policy that works to your advantage.
Are you covered? Call Eaton Insurance Services at (810) 686-1470 for more information on RV insurance.